Joshua Hazelwood

Call 2015
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Since joining Chambers as a tenant in 2018, Joshua has developed a busy practice in public law children and financial remedies.

Joshua graduated with a First Class Degree in Law from the University of the West of England in 2014. He was awarded the Diplock Scholarship from Middle Temple prior to completing the BPTC and being Called to the Bar in July 2015.

Prior to commencing Pupillage in June 2017, Joshua worked as a Family Paralegal for a solicitors firm in Oxford and for the legal department of a Local Authority. He gained experience in a variety of family work including public law children, high net worth ancillary relief and private child, including matters involving international jurisdictions.

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Cases & Publications

Recent Cases

A Local Authority v AZ & Ors [2023] EWHC 3513 (Fam)

N (A Local Authority) v A & Ors (Importance of Oral Expert Evidence) [2024] EWFC 100 (B)

G and H (Leave to Revoke Placement Order) [2023] EWCA Civ 768

Joshua represented a mother throughout public law proceedings culminating in a 20 day composite final hearing involving psychological evidence and allegations of sexual abuse between the parents.

Represented a mother following a fact-finding hearing and secured the rehabilitation of the child to the Mother's care.

Represented a child in DOL proceedings where there was no regulated placement available.

Joshua represented a wife in a committal relating to financial remedy proceedings and secured a term of imprisonment against the husband along with a costs order.